Sunday, April 15, 2012

First Month In The IEP

                                                First Month In The IEP

            My strongest memory from the first month in the IEP is get mixed feelings about something. Our class’s didn’t find so I was brust with excitement. I thought my English level one very low, therfore I sad, on the other hand foundation is many important. I get used to a situation hard. First days, I did a little bit understand my teachers Margareta and Amanda this case was so difficult, but know I understand my teachers. My classmates were diffrent countrys, I knew this situation and I (or who?) had quite an experience for me. I met our teacher Margareta in IEP introduction day and I love her and we had lucky. I felt happy when I came U.S. Now, I’m feel so happy nice to meeting you all my classmate. 

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